On December 20, at Nippori Sunny Hall, bass singer Kazuhiro Kotetsu (President of the Japan Vranec Association) gave a recital of all Macedonian songs entitled “Melancholy Macedonian Lieder”. The concert of all Macedonian songs is the first of its kind in Japan and groundbreaking. This year marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and North Macedonia. It was a fitting event to mark the end of the 30th anniversary.
会場はDragan Bogdanovski北マケドニア臨時代理大使や多くの小鉄ファン、マケドニア・コミュニティの方々、外務省関係者などで多くの人で賑わいました。小鉄さんの哀愁漂うバスの歌声と女声アンサンブル・テムヤニカの美しいハーモニーが金澤亜希子さんの絶妙なピアノ演奏によりマケドニアの香りが会場を包み込みました。フィナーレでは、小鉄さん恒例の「ジャケット投げ」が披露されました
The venue was crowded with Dragan Bogdanovski, Chargé d’Affaires of North Macedonia, many Kotetsu fans, members of the Macedonian community, officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, among others.
Ms. Kotetsu’s melancholy bass voice and the beautiful harmony of the female voice ensemble Temjanika, and the exquisite piano performance of Ms. Akiko Kanazawa enveloped the venue with the scent of Macedonia. In the finale, Mr. Kotetsu’s customary “jacket throwing” was performed.

In the foyer of the venue, the Macedonian wine sale by Tokyo Opera Co., Ltd. was very popular, and there were several people who bought three bottles alone.
日本ヴラネッツ協会は、音楽とワインを通じて日本と北マケドニアの交流を深めるというユニークな活動で両国関係の増進に貢献しています。The Japan Vranets Association contributes to the promotion of bilateral relations through its unique activities of deepening exchanges between Japan and North Macedonia through music and wine.


明年も魅力溢れる活動を期待しています。We expect its attractive activities in the coming year.
*Japan Macedonia Society(JMS)は、北マケドニアの魅力を発信し、また、日本と北マケドニアの交流を支援しています。入会手続きはこちら。 入会申込書.docx
The Japan Macedonia Society (JMS) promotes North Macedonia and supports exchanges between Japan and North Macedonia. If you are interested in becoming member, click here. 入会申込書.docx
If you have any information you would like to post, please contact here. japanmacedoia@prijatelstvo.com